Welcome to DCEPL
DCEPL conceived as an Engineering Consultancy organisation in the year 1992, has grown and diversified over the years into number of activities ranging from engineering consultancy, project implementation, engineering & re-engineering projects, mechanical engineering & fabrication, civil engineering & construction in various industries like Mining, Oil, Gas, Power, Chemical and Cements.
The company also cater the needs of industries through comprehensive health assessment and failure analysis, suggesting remedial measures and rectification (structural stability and retrofitting).
DCEPL has expertise in structural stability assessment / condition monitoring of technological structures, bridges, fly overs, industrial and residential buildings and suggesting remedial measures to ensure safety, reliability and durability.
Our Objective
100 % job execution within time schedule.
Achieve 100 % customer satisfaction level.
Increase turnover 20% over last year’s turnover.
- Engineering consultancy, Design and Engineering, Project implementation in various industries like mining, power plants, pipelines, oil and gas installations, Cement and Chemicals.
- Structural stability / NDT for concrete, steel and technological structures.
- Stability testing / Safety Audit of mining equipment.
- Statutory Testing of lifting tools and tackles, EOT cranes, structural stability testing under competent person from Inspector / Director of Factories of different states of India.
- DCEPL is now authorized for statutory certification under PESO (Petroleum & Explosives Safety Organization) as per SMPV (U) Rules 2016.
- External Safety Audit, Hazardous Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA), Fire Audit, Preparation of Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan (ERDMP)
- Soil investigation and geotechnical & topographical survey.
- Metallurgical quality control, Condition monitoring, health assessment, root cause analysis of failures, suggesting remedial measures and rectification.
- Residual life assessment of structures & building.
- Testing and calibration services (NABL accredited lab for metal and concrete).
- Retro-fitting and Re-strengthening / Re-conditioning of mechanical & civil structures like Flyovers, Bridges, Silos in Cement Plants and different engineering plants, factories & buildings.
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